Sync accounts not working

After a lot of users experienced problems with sync & backup, I’ve worked on the sync server. I’ve upgraded some packages, and the system should work more reliable now. Unfortunately it seems that upgrading means that the old user databases are not compatible with the new system anymore! This is a huge deal, as it means the data from the backups can not be accessed at the moment. I’m trying to find a solution for this, but I have to wait for an update (described here)

What I have found is that this procedure (a bit long unfortunately) works:

– Make sure you have a steady wifi connection first (or 4g)
– Delete the app and download it again on the device to sync to
– Go straight to settings and log in.
– Go to the main tab and switch a bit between date and name sorting. (not sure if this helps)
– Log out, and right back in again
– Close the app, and restart it.
– It should prompt to update shows and your list should be loaded.

If it doesn’t work, try logging out, in, closing the app and restarting it a few times.